Profile Flair Legend
Official Verification
- this account is a verified official certified authentic organic grass-fed non-GMO peanut-free dairy-free gluten-free FDA approved free range 100% recycled materials carbon neutral biodegradable fair trade ethically sourced all-natural lorumer
- haha pog
- gotta catch 'em all amirite fellas?
- ok bro...
- haha good post
- you win the internet!
- you are a god among men. this award grants you +100 swag.
- good job. u made 10 posts. i am so proud of you
- u rly like to talk i guess.
- cannot be stopped
- congratulations on having ur lorg forums account for 3 days
- You've had an account on the lorums for one year. this is epic!!!
- thank you for your service (2 whole years of it)
- certified OG lorumer. u are basically a god
- *vomits*
- wheres my twitch prime sub?
- lasagna
- look how cute he is