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over analysis doesn't exist

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 3:28 am
by puffin
i always see people say stuff like "i think the fans are looking for something that isn't there" or "you're reading too much into it, its just a game/movie/song/show/etc."

what are you, the fucking FUN POLICE? you pig?

over analysis is fun. its fun to pick apart a piece of media and come up with elaborate theories that explain certain things or connect different pieces of media together. there is no such thing as reading too much into something, even if the author never intended there to be anything there. death of the author and all that.

if you think its possible to "read too much into" a piece of media... FUCXK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: over analysis doesn't exist

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 7:40 am
by puffin
case and point: ... ite-lyrics

stu mackenzie probably wasn't thinking of capitalism when he wrote vegemite

but fuck, is it ever hilarious to try and over analyze this simple ass song through that lens

like this is genuinely hilarious to me but some people are like "noooo! its just about vegemite! stop reading this much into it!!"
like yeah ur probably right but shut the hell up, let people over analyze, its fun

like listen to this

"Censuring real love in the name of capital accumulation (i.e, proclaiming Vegemite, something easily obtainable to the wealthy under capitalism), the lyrics are a testament to the reality of modern civilization; we have strayed onto a dangerous path of rampant commercialism, overlooking the truly important parts of our lives, as Mackenzie so eloquently articulates in his demonstration of his ability to enjoy the simple things in life (i.e, breakfast with his girlfriend)"

no one else has written anything this funny ever

Re: over analysis doesn't exist

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 3:38 am
by loganmacmonkey