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Announcement 2

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 4:32 pm
by admin
As some of you know, I've added an extension that introduces a Like button. The extension is by Satanasov and I found it here: ... &t=2246576

Because of this new addition I think it's best we change the system by which users can collect the "reddit gold" and "reddit silver" awards. Currently, in order to get the gold/silver profile flair a user needs to get a certain number of comments voting for the specific award. Since we have 'likes' now, I think it makes more sense to center the awards around that.


If a post gets 5 likes, the poster will get the 'reddit silver' profile flair 8-)
10 likes will get 'reddit gold' :-o

I might alter these benchmarks if they end up being too unattainable but we'll see how it goes for now :twisted: .

Thank you for enjoying the Lorums