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This is a collection of notes that I've taken using CherryTree and exported to HTML.
Since the HTML is automatically generated I havent really put much effort into making it look nice besides changing the colour scheme.
Nevertheless, I hope they can be useful!



  1. CSCI3172
    1. intro class
    2. OSI Model
    3. TCP/IP
    4. Web Systems Design
    5. JavaScript
      1. Document Object Model
      2. Event Handling
      3. Hoisting
      4. Callbacks and Promises
    6. Practice questions for midterm
    7. Search Engines
  2. CSCI3161
    1. intro class
    2. Overview of Computer Animation
    3. A1 overview
    4. Programming with OpenGL
      1. Recursively Defined Objects
      2. Animation
    5. Vector math
    6. Polygonal Models
    7. Transformations
      1. 3D Transformations
      2. OpenGL Transformations
    8. Test
    9. Camera Projections
      1. Projections in OpenGL
    10. Lighting
      1. Phong lighting
    11. Texture Mapping

Summer 2023

  1. CSCI4121
    1. Intro
    2. Benchmarking
      1. Amdahl's Law
      2. What have we done so far?
    3. RISC
      1. Recap
      2. Hazards
        1. Recap + Continuation
        2. Analyzing Pipeline Performance
        3. Dynamic Hardware Prediction
          1. Recap
        4. Classification of data hazards
        5. Multicycle pipes
        6. Tomasulo Algorithm
          1. Continued June 7
        7. Scoreboards
        8. Review Assignment 2
        9. Review Assignment 3
        10. Reducing CPI below unity
        11. Speculative CPU Operation
    4. Cache
      1. Memory Hierarchy Recap
      2. Cache Miss Penalty Reduction
        1. Reducing cache miss penalty and rates
      3. Cache summary
    5. A4 Review
    6. Memory Meets Multi-Core
      1. Bus snooping
    7. Presentations
      1. Topic 1: Approximate Computing
        1. Presentation 1
        2. Presentation 2
      2. Reconfigurable Computing
        1. Presentation 1
        2. Presentation 2
    8. Memory Benchmarking Project
    9. A5 Review
    10. Exam
  2. ECED3403
    1. Labs
      1. Lab1
    2. Knowledge Survey
    3. Running a Program
      1. Recap
    4. Machine Fundamentals
    5. XM-23 ISA
    6. Assembler Conversation
    7. 18 May
    8. Emulator Planning
    9. Lab 2 Details
    10. Examining Instructions
    11. Subroutines
    12. ISAs and CPUs
      1. Issues confronting ISA designers
      2. XM23 Addressing and examples
      3. CPU
      4. Instruction cycle
    13. Caching
      1. Quiz 1 and Assignnment 2
      2. Direct and Associative
      3. Combining Direct and Associative
    14. Changing the Flow of Control
      1. Branch Tables
    15. Colin O'Flynn Presentation
    16. ALU and PSW
    17. 11 Jul
    18. Exceptions
    19. Quiz 2 Review
    20. Jul 27

Winter 2023

  1. CSCI3137
    1. Haskell
      1. Parameterized Types
      2. Lazy Evaluation
        1. Infinite Data Structures
      3. Tuples, Lists, and Arrays
        1. Recursive Types
    2. Notes
      1. 1Mar
      2. 8Mar
      3. Parameter Passing Modes
      4. Evaluation of function parameters
      5. Coroutines
      6. Exception Handling
      7. Type Systems
      8. Beyond Ordinary Data: Functions, Higher order types, Pointers
      9. Binding and Naming
  2. CSCI4174
    1. Module 4: Basic Cryptography
      1. Symmetric Key Cryptosystems
      2. Ciphers
    2. Module 5: Block and Stream ciphers
    3. Module 6: Public Key crpytosystems, digital signatures, key exchange
      1. Digital Signatures
      2. Key Exchange Algorithms
        1. 3-Way Handshake
        2. Trusted Third Party
        3. Diffie-Hellman Exchange
    4. Module 7: VPNs
      1. IPSec
        1. Authentication Header
        2. Encapsulated Security Payload
        3. Examples
        4. Internet Key Exchange
          1. IKE Details/Examples
    5. Module 8: Security in Wireless Networks
      1. Wifi
        1. Components and Architecture
      2. Getting Connected
        1. Security
          1. Basic level security
          2. Medium level security
          3. High level security
          4. Extra
      3. Security in Cellular networks
    6. Module 9: Higher Layer Security Protocols
      1. Pretty Good Privacy
      2. Secure Electronic Transaction
    7. Module 10: Biometric Security
    8. Module 11: Establishing and Organization-wide Security Plan