- We want to separate geometry from topology - Mesh: → collection of polygons (triangels often) which describe an object. The faces are arranged in such a way that they form the outside surface of the object → We're just going to deal with the outer shell of an object → example has 8 vertices, 12 edges and 5 polygons → each vertex has a location x,y,z - Representing them: → the simple (bad) way that we've already done is hardcoding them ⇒ listing all polygons by their geometric locations → a good idea is to use data structures to separate geometry form topology • geometry: locations of vertices • topology: organization of the vertices, which ones are connected to others • topology holds even if geometry changes. ⇒ Vertex lists: • put the geometry into an array and use pointers from the vertices into this array • define polygons as sets of indices into that array
Example: modeling a cube - define a global array for vertices and colours -
GLfloat vertices[][3] = {{,,},{,,}.... 8 of them GLfloat colors[][3] = same thing
void polygon(int a, int b, int c, int d){ glBegin(GL_POLYGON); glColor3fv(colors[a]) glVertex3fv(vertices[b]) ...
//call polygon 4 times to draw 4 faces of the cube
every plane has a vector normal (perpendicular) to it we can use the cross product to find n
Normals of polygons: - lets look at one polygon - how to we tell openGL which way is up? - it depends on the order we provide the vertices - rule of thumb, curl ur hand in the direction you list the vertices to determine which way the normal points (follow ur thumb)
A2 - translate a planet out some distance from the origin - scale it to the right size - rotate it by some angle theta - planet location (cos(theta), 0, sin(theta))
- corona: draw lines of a certain thickness starting just inside the sun. → colorSun = Rs Gs Bs → vertex of the base of the line is same as sun → outer vertex is more orange and more transparent → only on xy plane → more than one pixel thick
- read in the text file to draw the enterprise - vertices come first, then faces - draw it like we did the coloured cube - just draw one triangle at a time in a for loop - if the enterprise looks kinda fucky, probably off by 1 on the index into the vertex array. either + or - one - increase the colour for every triangle - camera is tied to the back of the enterprise