2023/10/12 - 10:13

Event loop
- checks if call stack is empty
- checks if there are functions in the callback queue
- moves a function from the callback queue to the call stack only when call stack is empty
- having an empty call stack doesnt mean the program ends, the program only endswhen all events are ended with an empty call stack and callback queue

If a callback requires a callback to receive data, it leads to callback hell
- nested callbacks become too deeply nested and resulting code is difficult to read, understand, maintain
- occurs when multiple asynchronous operations depend on each others' results
- each async operation depends on the result of the previous one, leading to deeply nested callbacks. as more operations are added the harder the program becomes to read and debug


- an object through which a function may propagate an error or a result sometime in the future
- at any point a promise is in one of three states
→ pending
→ resolved
→ rejected
→ sometimes “settled” - meaning it has settled on either rejected or resolved
- promise takes a function as a parameter
var promise = new Promise(func)
→ function needs a resolve and reject as arguments

Handling Errors
- promises discern data from errors with two channels of communication
- to receive a successful rsponse if and when a promise resolves, use the then() function on the promise
- to receive error details from the promise if and when it rejects, use catch()

Chaining promises

- avoids callback hell by chaining them together
- when the first promise is resolved it calls the next handler... and so on. there is no limit to how many .then calls we can make
