Parameterized Types

java has ArrayList<Int>

Haskell has parameterized types.

The Maybe Type:

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

Maybe is a container type that can hold 0 or more items of type a. There could be 0 items in the container, but things in the container are of type a.

A general List type:
data List a
    = Empty
    | Cons a (List a)


Lists are built right into haskell. The ‘type’ of a list that stores a's is [a].

-- all do the same thing

--map for 'normal lists'
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f = go
        go [] = []
        go (x:xs) = f x : go xs


product types so far:
data Point2D = P Double Double

data StudentRecord = SR Int String String Transcript

--record syntax:
data Point2D = 
    P {x, y :: Double}
= P 3 4
= P {x=3,y-4--args can be in any order

‘updating’ records:
--take this object, build a new record with the same vibe but change a few fields.

data Point = P {x, y :: Doublederiving Show

= P 3 4
= p {y = 5.0}
--q now has x=3.0 y = 5.0


semantically no different from ‘data’, but drastically diff in runtime costs
allowed to use newtype IF AND ONLY IF
-the type must have exactly one data constructor
-the data constructor must take exactly one argument
under the hood, you can represent a newtype bannernumber exactly as an int. it doesnt store any extra data.
for other data types, they need to store a tag to indicate which constructor it uses, as well as the other data in the type.
newtype BannerNumber = B Int

newtype BannerNumber = B int deriving (EqOrd)

--record syntax
newtype BannerNumber = B {asInt :: Int}
newtype Cont r a = Cont {runCont :: ((a -> r) -> r) } --continuation monad

Why use a newtype if it just gets treated as whatever is in it?

because operations on newtype might be different. EX: can add integers, but cant add banner numbers.
newtype is not an instance of Num, or Eq, or whatever, that defines what functions can be used on the type.
*Builds better abstractions, helps compiler catch logic errors.
can give it these functionalities explicitly with ‘deriving’

Type Aliases:

in c: typedef (char *) string;

--in haskell:
type String = [Char--official definition
type Cont r a = ContT r Identity a

--type aliases name the same tpye:
